Monday 27 September 2010

visual learning for children.


It is estimated that 80 percent of what we learn is through our vision. From an early age, a child acquires valuable information about his surroundings through his or her eyes. Because of this fact, normal schooling makes use of methods that favor visual learners. Children who are primarily visual learners tend to get information through reading books. They can also learn more from pictures and other visual materials. If you notice that your child is tidy and organized in their learning habits, then he might be a visual learner.
Students of this style are drawn to paintings, crafts, and other arts. They also have a wonderful sense of imagination and are known to be very creative. If you have a child like this, you may want to keep him enrolled in a regular school. You can however, give your child a better chance at maximizing their inborn skills and enroll them in home schooling. A program can then be developed to cater to your child's forte and utilize their potential.

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